Real Products for a Healthier Life

Why self-care is so important around the holiday season

Kimberlee Tompkins

Posted on November 26 2019

Why self-care is so important around the holiday season
A question for everyone: Personal care is important all the time, but especially when we are stressed and busy.
A good personal care routine can help take the edge off the day, remind us that we value and love ourselves and respect our bodies.
What do you do daily to take care of yourself?
It could be a face cleaning routine at the end of the day, or getting up every morning to walk or meditate. No wrong answer here.
Now, what part of that quickly goes by the wayside during the holiday season?
For me, exercise is the first thing to go.
This wreaks havoc on my overtired body and mind.
Exercise is my time to think and let it all out.
it also helps keep my muscles stretched and prevents muscle knots and ached from standing in one place too long (either working or cooking).
Lack of exercise makes me a little crankier and with a sore back.
Not very merry and jolly.
Next to go is drinking enough water.
Dehydration leads to dry, cracked skin and messes with my digestion, leaving it feeling sluggish and just yucky.
Let's be positive for a moment!
Is there art of your self-care routine that you never let go of, no matter how crazy things get?
For me, it is taking a hot bath at least once a week.
I'm slightly addicted to hot baths and depends on the peaceful relaxation to calm
 my mind and soothe my body. I very rarely let go of this.

Why do we let go of one thing and not the others?

Lack of time and energy is a huge culprit.
As the holiday season approaches, our schedules are packed with the "extras" that we love and enjoy: baking cookies, parties, shopping etc. All the good things that make life full and create memories. 
However, in order to enjoy these moments to their very fullest, we need to continue to take care of ourselves to be at our best.
Here are some tips for keeping up good self-care practices during busy times:
  • Schedule it! It sounds crazy, but if you have to, block self-care time off on your daily calendar
  • Set a reminder on your phone.
    Make it fun, something like "Remember to wash your beautiful face!"
  • Give yourself a reward.
    Kids aren't the only ones who like sticker charts. If that is not your thing, promise yourself a small splurge in January if you keep up good self-care practices in the next month. Remember, this can be anything from a massage to a trip to the local bookstore
  • Get a self-care partner.
    Ask one of your BFF's if she's dragging and needs a pick me up too. Having a cheerful and supportive friend to help you stay accountable can make it easier and certainly more fun
  • Involve your spouse/partner/kids.
    The holidays are all about togetherness, so why not exercise or meditate together? My daughter and I recently did our nails together, something she usually does by herself and I don't so at all. It was hard to fit the time in but well worth the fun memories we created.

Drop a comment and let me know how your self-care routine is going this holiday season!





three sisters herbals blog posts

About: Kim is a momma, wife and small business owner. 
She lives with her family in Duchess County, NY, where she enjoys her rescue dog, bunnies and hamsters. And her daughter's cat... Grand Kitty.
Her family loves camping, gardening, hiking, geocaching, and all things outdoors.
She is the owner/creator of Three Sisters Herbals, LLC., which she affectionately calls “her other baby”. 
TSH is the same age as her youngest human baby, and they are all growing up together.


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