Real Products for a Healthier Life

TSH's Best Kept Secret for Soft and Smooth Feet (and hands!)

Kimberlee Mule

Posted on June 12 2019

Winter time can be a disaster on your hands and feet.
Cracks and dry cuticles are ouchie!!
Feet looking like they've spent the winter hibernating with the bears.

Do you have this problem?

And..."I hear ya!!"

That's why I'm going to do is share my #1 Best Tip for keeping those tootsies smooth, soft and ready for sexy sandals!!!

I know, I know, the sandals pictured above are not sexy.
But that's my jam. I admire all you peeps who rock the strappy and sexy sandals!

Here you go....

Step One: Collect your ingredients

  • Basin or bowl, large enough to soak your feet
  • Hot tap water
  • Natural Pumice Stone
  • All-Natural oil-based moisturizer like Magic Salve
  • Towels that you don't mind getting oily or paper towels (if you must)

What's next?

  • Fill the basin with hot tap water. Not so hot that it hurts,
    but comfortably warm
  • Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes
  • Pat dry and then exfoliate with your DIY Scrub or Pumice Stone
  • Refresh with new hot tap water
  • Slather, and sister, I mean SLATHER your feet with your moisturizer or salve
  • Put your feet back in the water for 15-20 minutes 
  • Did I mention to put your favorite TV show on first???
  • Remove your feet and rub in all the moisturizer your skin will accept. It's not going to take it all, and that is ok. 
  • Gently wipe away what's left
  • WARNING: Do NOT wash it away!!! You'll just undo all the good you did. 

I like to do this right before bed because your feet will feel a little slippery. If you like, put on a comfy pair of socks.

By morning, your feet will feel sooooo silky smooth!!

Well....I'm dying of curiosity over here.
How do your feet feel after this treatment??

In the wintertime, this is the process to use on your dry hands.



three sisters herbals blog posts

About: Kim is a momma, wife and small business owner. 
She lives with her family in Duchess County, NY, where she enjoys her rescue dog, bunnies, hamsters and chickens. And her daughter's cat... Grand Kitty.
Her family loves camping, gardening, hiking, geocaching, and all things Boy Scouting. 
She is the owner/creator of Three Sisters Herbals, LLC., which she affectionately calls “her other baby”. 
TSH is the same age as her youngest human baby, and they are all growing up together.


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