Real Products for a Healthier Life

The Un-Gift Gift Guide

Kimberlee Mule

Posted on November 28 2017

The Un-Gift Gift Guide

Tis’ the season of giving, which in our society means spending.

But what if you narrowed the holidays down to the real reason for the season?
Showering your loved ones with…. well, love!

Sometimes the best gifts aren’t the ones you open.

 Here are some fun and clever ways to give, without spending a lot.


1: Ring and Run. Everyone loves a home cooked meal, especially when you don’t have to cook it yourself. How about say “Happy Holidays” by cooking a meal and dropping it off on a friend or relative’s porch. Leave a note that says “Surprise!!! You don’t have to cook tonight, Happy Holiday and enjoy!”


2: Clean Attack: We all get a little frazzled this time of year, and keeping up on our normal household chores is sometimes the first thing to be neglected when there are so many other commitments. Schedule a time you can go to a friend or relatives house and clean for a few hours. When you’re done light a pretty candle.


3: Babysitter: We all have friends with young kids. Can you imagine trying to holiday shop with 3 kids in tow? Or having to take shifts and split up to just “get it done”? Offer to babysit on a Friday night so your friends can enjoy some shopping and a dinner out together. Trust me, they’ll be thankful for years to come.


4: Game Night: Give the gift of time together. Stop the crazy running around, the endless gift exchanges and just spend a night laughing and being kids together.


5: Community Cares: Want the best warm fuzzies ever? Bake some cookies, and go caroling at a nursing home. Supporting members of your community during the holiday season is a vital part of a healthy community for us all.


Wishing you a healthy and happy holiday season,



three sisters herbals blog posts

About: Kim is a momma, wife and small business owner. 
She lives with her family in Duchess County, NY, where she enjoys her rescue dog, bunnies and chickens. 
Her family loves camping, hiking, geocaching, and all things Cub and Boy Scouting. 
She is the owner/creator of Three Sisters Herbals, LLC., which she affectionately calls “her other baby”. 
TSH is the same age as her youngest human baby, and they are all growing up together.


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  • Donna DeRosa: November 28, 2017

    Great ideas! What fun.

  • angela: November 28, 2017

    I agree Kimberlee. Sometimes I think the season has gotten out of hand. The older I get, the more I want time with those I love over anything else.

  • Cindy Jones: November 28, 2017

    Great ideas. It really is the thought that counts and the warm feeling you can bring.

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