Real Products for a Healthier Life

Welcome Autumn, an opportunity to seek balance

Kimberlee Tompkins

Posted on September 07 2020

As the longest days of 2020 are behind us, the world collectively heaves a sigh of relief. The Autumnal Equinox is approaching. The Equinox only happens twice a year, in Fall and Spring. It is the two days of the year the daylight and nighttime are equal, bringing us a much needed sense of balance to every aspect of our lives.

In the Autumnal Equinox, we begin to hunker down and prepare for the winter. Energy and excitement start to grow over the coming of the holiday season. Thoughts of steaming, warm cups of tea and nourishing bowls of soup wander into our minds. Reminding us to take the time to be still, be mindful in the moment, and fully absorb the fast fleeting balance of the Equinox.

Remember to express gratitude for what illuminates our lives in these short days.
As we put the brightest part of 2020 to rest, it may be difficult to think of a positive illumination in the past months. When hardship, crisis and doubt abound, 
sometimes it helps to be thankful for the things we take for granted in "normal" times: our good health, the love of our family and the extra time we have been gifted to spend with them.

It is also a time to complete unfinished projects.
Tidying up all the loose ends to set the stage for the next phase.

And finally, create a cozy living space for your family and stock up on foods that nourish your body. Cozy, plush blankets and sweet smelling candles with a warm 
glow, invite your family to gather together indoors again. 

As you begin to unwind from the energy of Summer, take a moment to think about the animals moving into hibernation, and the plants and trees slowly going dormant for the winter.
What do you want to sit with all winter? 
What can you learn and take with you from the balance of the Equinox?

Remember, as a always, to look back and be grateful for all you have. 





three sisters herbals blog posts

About: Kim is a momma, wife and small business owner. 
She lives with her family in Duchess County, NY, where she enjoys her rescue dog, bunnies and hamsters. And her daughter's cat... Grand Kitty.
Her family loves camping, gardening, hiking, geocaching, and all things outdoors.
She is the owner/creator of Three Sisters Herbals, LLC., which she affectionately calls “her other baby”. 
TSH is the same age as her youngest human baby, and they are all growing up together.


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