Real Products for a Healthier Life

Momsteaders » magic salve

  • KISS those chemicals Buh-Bye!

    Kimberlee Mule

    Posted on May 10 2019

    KISS those chemicals Buh-Bye!
    Let’s take a look today at what makes Magic Salve so magical.

    I’ve carefully chosen these ingredients, and they have proven time and time again to be worthy of the name “Magic Salve”
  • Intro to Oil Cleansing

    Kimberlee Mule

    Posted on April 24 2019

    Intro to Oil Cleansing
    Intro to Oil Cleansing:This concept may seem like a odd one, or one of those crazy fads...
  • Magic Salve Mondays: Magical Hand Treatment

    Kimberlee Mule

    Posted on October 02 2017

    Magic Salve Mondays: Magical Hand Treatment
    Magic Salve Mondays: Magical Hand Treatment   It’s Fall!!! Time for comfy sweaters, s...
  • What's in the name "Three Sisters Herbals"?

    Kimberlee Mule

    Posted on September 21 2017

    What's in the name
      I get asked all the time “Oh, do you have three sisters?” The answer is always the s...

    Kimberlee Mule

    Posted on April 16 2017

    DIY DYES: All Natural Egg Coloring Crafting and creating is a passion of mine. I hold a...