Real Products for a Healthier Life

How It's Made: Enchanted Lips Lip Balm

Kimberlee Tompkins

Posted on March 24 2017

How it’s Made: Enchanted Lips Lip Balm

One the best parts of being a small batch handcrafter is being a small batch handcrafter.

For me, it goes something like this: "OMG, OMG, OMG, we're almost sold out of lip balm."

I rattle around my workspace like a crazy person trying to figure out how this happened. The answer is always the same, they all sold…duh.

Once I stop running in circles, I look at my schedule to block of time for production.

And then this happens:  "OMG, OMG, OMG I have so much to do,
how am I going to do all this, OMG” and I block off the time.

Lip Balm is one of our products that is a three-step process.

It's one step done each day for three days. It does take some thoughtfulness.
After ten years, I still can’t remember that I generally get things done on time
(knock on virtual wood).

Day One:

The first step is to infuse the Organic Coconut Oil with Organic Herbs. Calendula, Chamomile, Plantain and Chickweed are the star players here. Super awesome for your skin alone, but when you combine them with Coconut Oil and Cocoa Butter: the result is magical.

Your lips will thank you.
They might even say “Thank you!”

Day Two:

Prepping the lip balm trays is a little tedious, pushing each tube individually into its hole on the tray over and over again. But it gives me more time to think about all the other things I could be doing, so, that’s a plus. 😏

image of white lip balm tubes

Interesting tidbit: There is these little screwy things inside the lip balm containers, they are what makes the finished product go up and down, at your command.

...kind of like an enchanted lip balm elevator.

pushing each tube individually into its hole on the tray

Now, up until this point, I’m still a little rattled and stressed. Running around, prepping my work space, putting on my mask, bandana, apron and gloves, trying to remember everything.

Then the Handcrafter Magic happens

As soon as I get into this part, all the stress just washes away, a total sense of calm comes over me. I’m in my happy place. Crafting products is my zen.

The infused coconut oil gets run through a strainer to separate out the oil, which is now super charged with “herbal goodness”, as we officially call it at TSH.

Next is the blending of all the ingredients on a double boiler.

Chunks of golden, aromatic beeswax go in first.

Chunks of golden, aromatic beeswax


Next some moisture rich organic Cocoa Butter


moisture rich organic Cocoa Butter


And it all melts together into a liquid, golden yellow lip balm base.

The base is portioned out and I add organic essential oils of the scents you all know and love.

Now, we’re ready to fill lip balm tubes. 

progression of the lip balm turning from a liquid into a solid as it cools down

This image is pretty cool, because you can see the progression of the lip balm turning from a liquid into a solid as it cools down. I cover the trays and they stay like this overnight, so they can have a little slumber after their long excitement of creation.

At this point, I’m all blissed out.

Happy and fulfilled, I feel that I’ve accomplished something real with my time. A tangible product has been created, and it is pure and will help people. Slowly, my mind goes back to its usual 10,000 MPH whirlwind of thoughts.


Day Three:

It’s lid and label day! The lip balm tubes come off the trays, and each one gets a lid and a label. I'm always a little anxious as I line up the labels to the tube. When the sticky paper goes on a little crooked. I gently peel it back and adjust, but some of the final labels will be just a tiny bit off. It's just part of the handcrafted magic.

Enchanted Lips is made with love and handcrafted by a human.

Click on the image for pricing and to purchase.


 Peace, Kim

Kim, owner and maker of three sisters herbals momsteaders blog all natural skincare mom

About: Kim is a momma, wife and small business owner.

She lives with her family in Duchess County, NY, where she enjoys her rescue dog, bunny and chickens. Her family loves camping, hiking, geocaching, and all things Cub and Boy Scouting. She is the owner/creator of Three Sisters Herbals, LLC., which she affectionately calls “her other baby”.

TSH is the same age as her youngest human baby, and they are all growing up together.



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  • Dee Johnson: April 04, 2017

    Very cool! It looks like it would be really fun to make.

  • Elizabeth Johnson: April 04, 2017

    I am going to have to try your lip balm. My favorite one, the maker has added too much beeswax in their latest batches… too waxy. I have your magic salve and I really like it, it is very soothing.

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