Real Products for a Healthier Life

Blah About Blogs

Kimberlee Mule

Posted on February 23 2017

For years, people have been saying to me "You really need a blog" or "Your site is great, a blog would improve your SEO" and sometimes "You are always doing something interesting, you really should write a blog" I would always inwardly groan and think "Yes, I am always doing something, so when would I blog?" Deep down inside I really, really wanted to be one of those cool chicks who blogs about all the awesome and not-so-awesome stuff she does. Who faces a kid’s birthday party with a military-like plan of attack, and runs her home based business like champ, all in the comfort for her "poopie pants" (AKA sweatpants), while feeling totally powerful and sexy. The whole thing would always leave me feeling blah.

I would walk around for days or weeks telling myself I can't do everything, I'm already a pretty awesome Business Owner Wife Friend Cub Scout Boy Scout Mommy (so "they" tell me, anyways. And who are “they” and why do they have such strong opinions about me?). I would shut it down, tell myself "You're an introvert, what in the world makes you think you can share your life in a blog and not tweak out about it?" or "You'll go insane if you add one more to-do onto your list" or at my worst "You're too boring to blog"
As it turns out 2017 is the year I write down all my insecurities, fears, self-condemning thoughts, and the negative BS that drags me down on a piece of paper, ball it up and throw it out the window. Not just any old window....but a race car, while driving 175 MPH, with the ball of paper is on fire, in a tornado, being chased by zombies.

Ok, ok, you get the picture.
So here I am... writing my first blog post. Still wondering what the fudge sticks I'm thinking, but embracing the unknown. Like an explorer, or an astronaut, or an artist...or maybe I'm just a regular hippy chick (with an overactive imagination) finally taking the "blah" out of blog.

Join me as I share the wacky and the wonderful, the crazy and the cluttered, the joyful and not-so-joyful moments for being a mother, wife, small business owner, Scout mom and so much more. I’ll face my fears, stumble along, share it all and always be honest and down to (Mother) Earth.

This is a good place to start.



three sisters herbals all natural parenting craft life blog

ABOUT: Kim is a momma, wife and small business owner. She lives with her family in Dutchess County, NY where she enjoys her rescue dog, bunny and chickens. Her family loves camping, hiking, geocaching, and all things Cub and Boy Scouting. She is the owner/creator of Three Sisters Herbals, LLC, which she affectionately calls “her other baby” TSH is the same age as her youngest human baby, and they are all growing up together.



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