Real Products for a Healthier Life

Important Announcement from Kim, Please Read

Kimberlee Tompkins

Posted on February 23 2021

As you all know, Three Sisters Herbals puts a tremendous amount of value on healthy living; holistic wellness of body, mind, spirit. Many of you are also aware that TSH is a one woman show.
Therefore, to continue to be true to you, my valued customers, and to myself, it is for my own personal well-being that I need to temporarily reduce the number of hours spent on Three Sisters Herbals.
I’d like to share that this reduction is, in no way, COVID related. Thankfully, my family and I are COVID free. This was a truly difficult decision, as this business is a labor of love, and after some careful thought,
I have developed the following plan to continue to serve you as best possible, while allowing myself the time I need. 

As with all business plans, this will be flexible and subject to change, if needed.

February 23 - April 30, 2021

What will change:

  • Shop hours will be limited to appointment only
  • Facebook Lives in the Peeps group will be temporarily suspended
  • Social Media (FB, IG) posts and communications will be limited-if you have to reach me,
    please do not use social media, see below for best ways to contact
  • No new email newsletters will be sent out
  • Order pick up in Poughkeepsie and Hyde Park will be temporarily suspended
  • Free delivery in Hyde Park will be temporarily suspended
  • Shipping orders will be processed once a week on Tuesday mornings 

What WILL NOT change:

  • TSH’s Website will remain fully operational and there to serve your shopping needs
  • Shipping orders will continue to be processed and mailed out, with shipping limited to Tuesdays
  • Generally, products are made at one time to fill the anticipated amount of orders for two months. Keeping on this production schedule, it is my hope everything will remain in stock through April.
    If not, I will deal with it as it happens, always doing my best to serve you.

Best ways to contact:

  • Email:
  • Text or voice mail 845-475-5631

With love, peace and
wishes of good health to you all,

Kimberlee Tompkins,

Owner/Creator Three Sisters Herbals, LLC