Real Products for a Healthier Life

A Bittersweet Good-Bye

Kimberlee Tompkins

Posted on December 02 2022

Dreams do come true...

But not necessarily in the way you thought.

Fifteen years ago I started Three Sisters Herbals when pregnant with my third child. My intention was to make wholesome and natural products to help families.
In addition, I wanted a flexible schedule so I could work at home and give my babies all the love and attention I had to offer.

PHOTO CREDIT: Surprise Photograpy

These are my kiddos, Gaetono, Josephine and Billy and my dog, Isabella.

The photo was taken by Melissa at Surprise Photography, it was the first time my business was featured in an article. And Melissa was one of the first "Mom Entrepreneur" friends I made.

My first wholesale account was at Waddle n Swaddle. The owner, Jenn, soon became a friend and business confidant. Together with other women owned businesses we set out to change our world.

That is how I met Donna, owner of New Baby, New Patlz. We started out with a wholesale business relationship and it evolved into so much more.

Over the years, us Mompreneurs laughed, cried, bitched and fiercely supported one another, not just as women business owners, but as mothers and wives.

This was a dream come true for me. Not a dream I consciously set out to achieve, but a blessing that filled my soul in a way I didn't even know I needed.

One of these women, Marnie, from Dragonfly Holistic officiated mine and my husband's wedding.

Our wedding 10/22/2017. That's Marnie in the middle.
Justin and I are surrounded by our kids during a traditional Handfasting Ceremony.

Over all the years, my kids grew up strong and good. The single most valuable gift in my life has been to work from home and be there for them. Every boo-boo, every tear, smile and sick day was mine to love on them. It did have it's challenges, I won't lie. The summers with all of them home were....difficult. Now we look back and laugh at the big red "STOP" sign I hung on the office door. An attempt to get a mere 30 minutes of uninterrupted work time. 

While TSH was not always wildly profitable financially, I profited in time with my kids.

Another surprise benefit was watching my "Magic Salve Babies" grow up. Emails and texts from appreciative moms always came at just the right moment. Pics of their gorgeous babies and words of thanks warmed my heart. When little babies became big brothers/sisters so became another Magic Salve Baby. Time after time, baby after baby, families remained loyal to TSH products. They started sharing their love of TSH with their friends and family, word of mouth quickly became TSH best form of advertising. 

It wasn't "going viral" it wasn't a social media sensation. I do like to think I covered the Hudson Valley with Magic. And this is another dream fulfilled, helping families through the products I created. 

There are no words how deeply this has touched me over the years. 
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

My kids are now 21, 17 and 15. My step sons are 26 and 19.
Independant, outspoken, kind and funny. Active members of their community, honor roll students, sports playing, Boy Scouts and more. 

Josie (17), Gaetono (21) and Billy (15)
Ain't they gorgeous? 

As they have grown, so have I. I have traveled along a long road, following my spiritual path to deep and soulful healing of my past. My body has taken a hit from the physical demands of making products, and from the lifetime of holding childhood trauma inside.

So, it is time for me to move on. Find another dream with expected and unexpected results.

Donna is ready to officaly take the helm. She has been caring for TSH and you for some time now. I have the utmost confidence she will contine the TSH tradition of excellent customer serivce, beautifully crafted products and helping families across the Hudson Valley and beyond.


Let's stay in touch

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I would love to hear from you!!!!!

find me on FB: kimberlee02
find me on IG: kimberlee_22