When I was a teenager, my mother was stricken with breast cancer. This struggle lasted for 13 years, when the cancer took her life. Through it all the disease never conquered her spirit, heart or faith. As I matured from a young woman, to the age where I was considering starting a family of my own, I watched my mother struggle. I did not have the gift of seeing her with her grandbabies, as she was taken from us before they were born.
Being the highly spiritual person that I am, I needed to take this very horrific and heartbreaking event in my life and try to make some positive out of it… As an expression of love for my mother, a way to help me cope with such a great loss, and a means of empowering me in what was a powerless situation-I began my journey as a breastfeeding momma, advocate and a La Leche Leader.
By Kimberlee Tompkins
I extended nursed all three of my children, nursed in public, shared my milk with babies who needed it, nursed one baby while pregnant with another and nursed two for a while, and had 2 of my babies at home. I did things, that to others, were very controversial; I always wondered what the fuss was all about, as these things seemed “normal” to me.
Becoming a La Leche League Leader changed me. I gained a self confidence that was lacking before and developed my own set of skills for helping people. I soon became known as the comforting and accepting leader. I loved helping all those wonderful mommas. I loved being around all those like minded women. I especially loved seeing all those yummy babies.
When the mood struck me, I got in touch with my inner-hippie and organized a very successful Nurse-In in protest to a editorial in the local newspaper. We gathered on the lawn of the newspaper, handing out information, holding signs of nursing babies and nursing our babies and toddlers of all ages right there on the city street. I was interviewed by local newspapers. It was nerve wracking, crazy, enlightening and empowering.
All this time I started making herbal treatments and researching natural family care. As my children grew, so did my desire to keep their bodies pure and safe from all the toxins and chemicals that are around us every day. And this was where my worlds collided. Suddenly I could take what was my own personal heartsong, Herbal Medicine, and meld it with the other passion in my life-breastfeeding and mothering issues.
Although, I am no longer a La Leche League leader, I hold that time in my life dear to my heart. And have many life long friends from those days of babies at our lactating breasts. Now, I take all that love and pure it into my herbal creations designed with the family at heart. Products to help with Postpartum Care (Magic Salve, Herbal Bath), Breastfeeding (Magic Salve, Wicked Magic Salve), Diaper Rash (Magic Salve, Wicked Magic Salve, Herbal Bath) and the rest of the product line that promotes inner body health and outer skin care health thru herbal medicine. Always keeping in my mind the family budget, I try to plan the products to have multiple uses-such as-Magic Salve for dry lips, dry skin, diaper rash and cracked nipple-gives a feel good feeling in your wallet that your money is wisely spent. Please enjoy our products in good health, and with many blessings.
And as the International Symbol for Breastfeeding implies-At Three Sisters Herbals every momma is welcome to nurse her baby, in any way, time, duration or position she sees fit with the freedom that comes from knowing there is no judgment.
Breastfeeding resources:
La Leche League international
New Baby, New Patlz