Baby, Be Well Event
You are invited to our Baby, Be Well Event!
Please join local health and wellness professionals and learn about organic,
sustainable and baby friendly parenting and so much more!
Chat & demo sign up are here!!! Sign up in advance, join our e-mail list and get free raffle tickets at the event.
Space is very limited. To sign up, send an email to:
Please join Three Sisters Herbals and many other local vendors at our free Baby, Be Well event:
Massage time slots will be available all day with The Well Tree
Breastfeeding Q&A with NewBaby NewPaltz
1:30 - 1:50
Gentle Birthing with Gentle Care Doula Service
2:00 - 2:20
Norwex with Jessica M Negron
2:30 - 2:50
Music Together Demo with Mid-Hudson Music Together
3:00 - 3:30
Hula Hooping Presentation and Mini-Sessions with Hoop For A Better Tomorrow
Check out our Event page on Facebook: Invite friends, get latest news on vendors specials and learn about the raffles!
Our Vendors:
Three Sisters Herbals: Handcrafted herbal skincare and home products for pregnancy and baby
The Well Tree: Massage, hypnosis and essential oil therapy
Earthgoods Market: filled with family friendly, organic products that respect Mother Earth, and are healthy for you
New Baby, New Paltz: Free Breastfeeding Q & A, Baby Carrier Fittings and Cloth Diaper workshops....sign ups coming soon!
Gentle Care Doula Service with Mavis Gewant: will be offering a free demo....sign ups coming soon.
Mid-Hudson Music Together: fun demo for toddlers and parents!!
Hoop For A Better Tomorrow: Bringing health and fitness to your family wiht the fun of Hula Hooping! Performance and mini-sessions sign ups coming soon!
La Leche League of Northern Dutchess: Breastfeeding support
Advocare with Karen Cowles: Healthy products supporting good nutrition and balanced weight management. Safe for pregnancy, nursing and beyond.
Fearless K9: with tips on how to prepare dogs for baby's arrival, general dog traing and more
Norwex: Sales Consultant Jessica Negron, Eco-friendly products for the home, to help keep you and you little ones chemical free!
Thirty One Bags with Edna Miller Plumstead This line of bags are super family-friendly, the business was founded by a women, and it supports many, many women entrepreneurs.
MLR Photography: will be journaling our event in photographs, and also have a table to share their gorgeous portfolio.
Please PM Kimberlee Ann Donahue Mule or email: